Security Center
Debit and Credit Card Fraud | Account Fraud | Identity Theft | Cybersecurity Tips
Debit and Credit Card Fraud
If GBL Bank detects something suspicious on your GBL Bank® credit or debit card, a text message is sent to your mobile phone asking if the transaction is fraudulent. All you need to do is text back “Y” or “N.” “N” if the purchase is not fraudulent. “Y” if it is. If you text “Y” to tell us it’s not your purchase, we’ll text you a number to call to validate outstanding charges, prevent further purchases, and start the process of getting you a new card — helping to protect you and your account.
Report your lost or stolen Visa credit card by calling 1-800-883-0131.
Report your lost or stolen Debit card by calling 1-888-263-3370.
Account Fraud
GBL Bank may in certain circumstances need to call you. We will always call from 419-462-4114 or 419-468-3113 in these circumstances. If you are unsure of the caller, you should always hang up and call using one of the above numbers to verify the call is really coming from GBL Bank.
Our Fraud Department may also contact you if they see anything unusual on your account. They will contact you by Text, Phone or email with the numbers and email listed below:
Text messages will come from 86975.
Phone calls will come from 800-369-4887.
Emails will come from fraudservicecenter@galionbuilding&
If you see any potentially fraudulent activity on any account or think your identity has been stolen, contact GBL Bank immediately. Call 419-462-4114 and ask to speak to our Fraud Department.
GBL Bank reminds all customers to practice “safe” computing. Please be aware of fraudulent activity which involves requesting your bank information. If you receive a call, text or email asking you to provide your personal information, account numbers, credit/debit card number, PINs, social security number or internet banking logon credentials, please disregard the message or hang up on the caller. You should only give out this type of information if you originate the contact and only when you are sure of the party you are communicating with. If you have inadvertently given out this type of information, please contact us immediately to alert us of the situation.
Identity Theft
Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personal identifying information without your permission to commit fraud or other crimes. While identity theft can happen to anyone, there are some things you can do to reduce your risk. If you think someone is using your personal information to open accounts, file taxes, or make purchases, visit to report and recover from identity theft. Looking for identity theft resources? Visit for help in keeping your personal information secure both offline and online. Find other tools and advice at or
Credit Bureau information:
Credit Bureau Equifax TransUnion Experian
Dispute 866-349-5186 800-916-8800 800-493-1058
Place Fraud Alert 888-766-0008 800-680-7289 888-397-3742
Place Security Freeze 888-909-8872
Cybersecurity Tips
We advise all our customers to take these steps to help protect their information:
Update Your Software. Keep your software – including your operating system, the web browsers you use to connect to the Internet, and your apps – up to date to protect against the latest threats. Most software can update automatically, so make sure to set yours to do so.
Outdated software is easier for criminals to break into. If you think you have a virus or bad software on your computer, check out how to detect and get rid of malware.
Protect Your Personal Information. Don’t hand it out to just anyone. Your Social Security number, credit card numbers, and bank and utility account numbers can be used to steal your money or open new accounts in your name. Every time you are asked for your personal information – whether in a web form, an email, a text, or a phone message – think about why someone needs it and whether you can really trust the request.
To steal your information, scammers will do everything they can to appear trustworthy. Learn more about scammers who phish for your personal information.
Protect Your Passwords. Here are a few ideas for creating strong passwords and keeping them safe:
Use at least 10 characters; 12 is ideal for most home users.
Try to be unpredictable – don’t use names, dates, or common words. Mix numbers, symbols, and capital letters into the middle of your password, not at the beginning or end.
Don’t use the same password for many accounts. If it’s stolen from you – or from one of the companies where you do business – thieves can use it to take over all your accounts.
Don’t share passwords on the phone, in texts or by email. Legitimate companies will not ask you for your password.
If you write down a password, keep it locked up, out of plain sight.
Consider Turning on Two-Factor Authentication. For accounts that support it, two-factor authentication requires both your password and an additional piece of information to log in to your account. The second piece could be a code sent to your phone, or a random number generated by an app or a token. This protects your account even if your password is compromised.
Give Personal Information Over Encrypted Websites Only. If you’re shopping or banking online, stick to sites that use encryption to protect your information as it travels from your computer to their server. To determine if a website is encrypted, look for https at the beginning of the web address. That means the site is secure.
Back Up Your Files. No system is completely secure. Copy your files to an external hard drive or cloud storage. If your computer is attacked by malware, you’ll still have access to your files.
Business customers: Consider performing a risk assessment of their IT environment and evaluate their controls periodically to ensure that their information is protected. More information on performing a risk assessment is available at: Resources for Business | CISA.